I am grateful
For the horizon
that promises an end
to the infinity of movement –
even if the end is a brutal line
that is unreachable.
For the ability of skin
to turn open wounds
into a scar –
that doesn’t (always) hurt (the same)
but allows for remembrance.
For the interface
that gives time
for summoning courage,
and silence
for holding mystery –
even if it aches.
For the capacity
of imagination
for ghosts, mathematics, bio-hacking
and heaven.
For the magnificence of skies,
the improbability of insects,
as the fabric
of mundanity.
For the simple needs
of living things
to have food, rest, song
and company –
even if the journey to them
can be complicated.
I am grateful,
That apart from words,
there is the quiet language
of emotions.
From after a conversation, an entire chapter in 24 hours, and Szymborska’s “Thank-you note,” that C jst reminded me of.
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